1287 Main Street, Lynnfield, MA  |  781-334-3151

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Meet Our Team

Sagamore Spring Golf Club


Timothy Doucette / General Manager & PGA Professional
Tim has been a full-time member of Sagamore Spring Golf Club's Management & Teaching Team since 2015, and he was promoted to General Manager in 2021. He has worked within the New England golf industry ever since graduating from Salem State University, and he is the consummate professional. He has fostered a great rapport with SSGC's many loyal customers over the years, and he's quickly earned the respect of our entire team thanks to his hands-on approach to management and his outstanding work ethic. Tim will continue to oversee SSGC's Learning Center as we move forward, and he will likely continue teaching on a more limited basis in 2021. We're truly fortunate to have Tim on Team Sagamore, and we look forward to working closely with him in the years ahead as he acclimates to his new role as GM.


Gerry Dunklee / Golf Course Superintendent
Gerry has literally grown up at Sagamore Spring Golf Club, having been an integral member of our grounds crew since his high school years almost 30 years ago. He started as a greenskeeper back in the 1990's, and he became Head Superintendent back in 2014. Gerry knows SSGC like the back of his hand, and he's solidified it's reputation as one of the North Shore's best-conditioned public golf courses. Gerry has a great support team on his grounds crew, and he aspires each and every season to help improve the golf course to help make the golfer's experience as good as it can be, day after day, month after month, year after year. We're excited to help Gerry and his team keep SSGC in top form this season, and rest assured, he'll be monitoring every blade of grass with a very keen eye so that every putt roles true and every fairway lie is a good one!

Phil Miceli / Assistant Golf Course Superintendent
Year after year, Phil has proven himself to be one of the most valuable players of the SSGC Team. Not only does Phil's role benefit from him being a scratch golfer, he is also the most skilled laborer we have at Sagamore. He has a wonderful eye for detail and he's able to seamlessly integrate course projects to perfection without compromising the course's original 90+ year design. Phil is highly regarded by everyone at Sagamore and his efforts each season are invaluable. We're incredibly lucky to have Phil as SSGC's Assistant Superintendent, and we recognize him as one of the most dedicated and hard-working employees we have at Sagamore.

Find Us

Sagamore Spring Golf Club
1287 Main Street
Lynnfield, Massachusetts 01940

Call Us

Tee-Times & Clubhouse: 781-334-3151
Grounds Department: 781-334-4701

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